Visa Overstaying in Thailand

Visa Overstaying in Thailand sometimes occurs. While there may be visa extension schemes to be able to temporarily prolong your stay in the Kingdom. These aren’t always convenient, hence, you will end up overstaying in the country.  On top of these there are unforeseen circumstances which impedes you from the leaving the country. This on or before your visa expiration date such as losing your passport, getting sick and among others.

Unfortunately, there is no escape to those who violated the law, whether it’s a minor or major offence. Overstaying in Thailand indeed is subject to punishment. This from being fined, deported to being blacklisted from entering the Kingdom ever again.

Consequences of Overstaying in Thailand

Overstaying in Thailand for whatever reason is illegal. If caught by the Police authorities, you are liable to pay an overstay fine of THB 500 per day. You can also be detained and worst be deported depending on the length of your overstay and other illegal actions you were engaged into whilst overstaying.

The maximum fine for indefinite over stay in Thailand is THB 20,000.

Where to settle overstay fines?

This should be settled at the Immigration Office if you wish to voluntarily surrender or at the airport immigration itself prior to your flight. If doing at the airport, it can be made after have you checked in at the immigration booth set up for this and other related services.

If you settle it at the Immigration Office, you would have to show your passport and outbound ticket and pay the fine. Make sure though that you wouldn’t be caught by the police before reaching any of the above offices. Otherwise, the police may subject you to other forms of punishments other than the fine.

How to make sure you don’t overstay in Thailand?

Check the visa stamp in your passport and note the validity duration of your stay in Thailand.  This is usually indicated by a stamp which bears the following wordings Valid to Stay Until and then date.  Remember to leave the country on or before that stamp or have your visa extended at the nearest Immigration as appropriate.

See also: The re-entry permit you will need on an extended visa. There is also the issue of overstay in Thailand and being blacklisted in Thailand. There is also the guardian visa for Thailand outside of your Thai dependency visa as you see here.

In case of inevitable circumstances. This i.e. sickness which requires hospitalization, you may request medical certificate from the doctor. You can then apply for a visa extension at the Immigration Office. In case of lost passport, you would need to visit your embassy immediately to request for travel document so you can leave the country. Visa overstaying in Thailand is not good!


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