Thai Statutory Laws

This is the start of the listings of Thai statutory laws. The text is for educational purposes as well as for comprehension purposes only. Speak to one of our lawyers for advice if you wish to start a business in Thailand or want to discuss comparative laws. The most questions tend to revolve around immigration, corporate and family law. We have also included where time permits issues on Thai constitutional law and how this compares to the West and the Asian region.

Many businesses started today in Thailand tend to be in the services industry. These range from entertainment venues and all the laws pertaining to zoning as well as business, entertainment and other licences in Thailand. Then there are also other services industries such as hotels and resort partnerships. Note again that we accept no legal liability for the referencing of the text on these articles. Most will be on the statue laws in Thailand while there are some legal opinions on current issues. 

Exploring Thai Statutory Laws: An Academic Approach

The Thai statutory laws are listed below. This is a small but growing list of Thai laws and legal opinions. Check back on a regular bases for more coverage of the laws and other legal views. If you have a question then speak to us online or email us your questions.  We are more than delighted to assist you in this regard.

We have in the past dealt with academics and students who are doing work on their comparative legal studies. The Thai legal system has many features of Roman Dutch law as well as local Thai laws. Over the years there have been many major changes in the legal system. Bringing it more in line with the West as globalism increases. 

Navigating Property Law in Thailand: A Comprehensive Overview

Property Law in Thailand entails various laws, notably the Thailand Condominium Act. The Chapters 1 to 5 of the Act explains the management and creation of condominium units. This is important as it has to address issues like foreign ownership ratio. Likewise you will note that the Contract Controlled Business law safeguards property buyers from developer malpractice.

This law has been complemented by the Consumer Protection Act. Foreigners interested in land ownership must adhere to the Land Code Act. We have outlined the acquisition regulations. For those who are considering lease agreements. The Civil & Commercial Code provides guidelines for this. Consulting a property lawyer before transactions is important to ensure legal compliance and protecting your interests.

Thailand Condominium Act

Thailand Condominium Act

(Chapter 1)

The Condominium Act of Thailand governs the management as well as the creation of apartment units in the condominium block. You will need to understand what the powers are of the body corporate as well as what is needed to appoint directors and management to the building. 

Thailand Condominium Act

Thailand Condominium Act

(Chapter 2)

This is Chapter 2 of the Condominium Act of Thailand which governs the management as well as the creation of apartment units in the condominium block. This part of the Act covers the local to foreign ratio in the units. The remedies when the foreign allocation is oversubscribed.

Thailand Condominium Act

Thailand Condominium Act

(Chapter 3 & 4)

You will find Chapters 3 and 4 of the Condominium Act which governs the management of apartment units in the condominium. See what the rules are in this section when it comes to owning a condominium unit in Thailand. This part of the Act covers the common property and debt.

Thailand Condominium Act

Thailand Condominium Act

(Chapter 5)

You will find Chapter 5 of the Condominium Act explained here. The Chapter covers management of the condominium as well as meetings of the body corporate. Appointment of the manager and staff as well as voting. The general meetings and who can call these. 

Contract Controlled Business

Contract Controlled Business

Contract Controlled Business B.E. 2543 (2000) 

The Contract Controlled Business B.E. 2543 (A.D. 2000) law is there to show you how the law protects consumers when they buy property from a property developer. This needs to be read together with the Consumer Protection Act on this website.

Consumer Protection Act

(Property Section)

The Consumer Protection Act has been added to this website. Note that this is a brief summary of the Act as it is there only to highlight how this also covers consumers from property developers. It highlights what protection the Act gives to those who buy property.

Land Code Act

Land Code Act 1954

(to 2008 amendments)

Those who want to own land in Thailand as a foreigner will need to understand the Land Code Act 1954 (to 2008 amendments). This will show you how to buy and own land in Thailand under the current rules. There are limitations at present. 

Leasehold Agreement

Leasehold Agreements 

Civil & Commercial Code

If you are going to lease property or rent property while in Thailand. Then see the leasehold agreement laws in Thailand under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand. Speak to our property lawyer before you sign.

Overview of Family Law in Thailand and the Civil and Commercial Code.

For those contemplating marriage or family matters in Thailand. It will be important to understand the legal framework which has been provided by the Civil and Commercial Code. This comprehensive code covers many aspects of family law. The code covers marriage and engagement as well as divorce procedures and child custody arrangements. Likewise it also covers traditional practices such as sin sod or dowry. The complexity of marriage annulment procedures as well as parental rights, child custody, and financial support obligations, ensuring the welfare of children.

getting married in thailand

Getting Married

Civil & Commercial Code

If you are getting married in Thailand then the Civil & Commercial Code of Thailand sets our the rules. This Chapter explains the rules for getting married in Thailand. From here you can compare how Thai law differs from the laws in your country. Speak to our family lawyer in Thailand for more assistance. 

thailand engagement law

Thai Engagement

Civil & Commercial Code

The Civil & Commercial Code of Thailand sets our the rules for an engagement. This Chapter explains the rules for getting engaged in Thailand. This as well as the issue of damages when the engagement is broken. Its very similar to Roman Dutch law and good for comparison. Speak ro us if you are not certain.

Definition of Marriage

Definition of Marriage

Civil & Commercial Code

Marriage is defined in Thailand by the Civil and Commercial code. You will note that marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. Same sex marriage in Thailand is not currently legal. If you have any questions about getting married in Thailand. Then speak to our family lawyer in Bangkok.

community of property thailand

Community of Property

Civil & Commercial Code

If you are getting married in Thailand then you should understand how community of property is viewed. There are similarities to the West however there are broader issues. This mainly with regards to damages and engagement because of the traditional sin sod or dowry.

Marriage Annulment

Marriage Annulment

Civil & Commercial Code

Annulment in Thailand is a complex process. You can learn from here about the process as well as the conditions to apply for this. See also the reasons used for the annulment as well as the property consequences of this process.  Always take legal advice from our Thai family lawyer.

Thai Divorce Law

Civil & Commercial Code

The grounds for divorce in Thailand is explained within the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand. These are the laws which govern a mutual consent divorce as well as a litigated divorce. You can see how to get a divorce in Thailand. This segment is for reference only. 

Child Legitimation

Child Legitimation

Civil & Commercial Code

Today, child legitimation in Thailand is becoming more common. See the change that is occuring when you want to legitimise a child in Thailand. This is when you apply for child legitimation in Thailand. See the link above for more information or speak to our family lawyer in Bangkok.

child custody Thai

Parent & Child

Civil & Commercial Code

This explains the family law section of the Civil and Commercial Code which covers the rights of the child and the parental power or child custody as it is called in the West. Likewise see Child Legitimation as well as the other family issues on here. Speak to us online for more information. 

Thai Maintenance


Civil & Commercial Code

You can see the laws in Thailand when it comes to alimony or child support and maintenance. This falls under the Civil and Commercial Code – Maintenance. So see under the articles Child Support as well as articles under the Family Law page as well as support in Thailand.

International Legal Frameworks of The Hague Conventions

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an important treaty established to facilitate the return of children wrongfully taken or kidnapped across international borders. This has been signed by a number of countries, its objective is to safeguard the welfare of children by ensuring their prompt return. In tandem with child abduction concerns. There is also the Apostille Convention. This is part of the Hague Conference, holds significance in international legal transactions. Also referred to as the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. You will note that the Apostille Convention simplifies the authentication process. Thailand is not a signatory to this. 

Hague Convention on Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is a treaty signed by multiple countries with the aim of ensuring the prompt return of children who have been wrongfully taken or retained across international borders. See also kidnapping in Thailand on here.

Apostille Convention

Hague Conference on Apostille Convention

This explains the Hague Conference on Apostille Convention. The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, which is also commonly known as the Apostille Convention. Note that Thailand is not a signatory to this.

Understanding Estates & Probate Law in Thailand

This overview on Probate in Thailand explains estates and probate law in Thailand. Probate is covered by the Civil & Commercial Code. This overview covers the drafting of your will to the validity of wills as well as the winding up of estates. This will provide you with insight into inheritance as well as succession rules. Issues covered here are the appointment of administrators, rights of heirs as well as the types of wills. Likewise the written as well as the living, and holographic will. For those navigating Thai probate, consulting with a probate lawyer in Bangkok is recommended to ensure legal compliance and effective estate management.

Drafting a Will

Civil & Commercial Code

You will note that the sections provided pertain to the rules of inheritance and succession in Thailand (Sections 1693-1733). Likewise, covering various aspects such as the appointment and duties of administrators, the rights of heirs, the validity and revocation of wills. Likewise see also last will and testament.

Validity of a Will

Validity of a Will  

Civil & Commercial Code

Below you will note that the sections provided outline the rules governing inheritance and succession in Thailand (Sections 1646-1692). See more on family lawyer Bangkok on this website when covering various aspects of a will and the winding up of an estate in Thailand. Lastly see also probate lawyers Bangkok.

Devolution of an Estate

Devolution of an Estate

Civil & Commercial Code

You will note that the Inheritance and Succession being (Sections 1599-1628) has been explained over the following pages. These sections govern the rules of inheritance and succession in Thailand. There is also the Devolution of an Estate as well as the Heirship and Disinheritance. Likewise see probate in Thailand.

Statutory Heirs

Statutory Heirs

Civil & Commercial Code

The sections below provide a basic outline the rules governing inheritance and succession in Thailand (Sections 1629-1645). Likewise, including the appointment and duties of administrators of estates. Likewise you can see more here.


Thai Will and Testament

Civil & Commercial Code

There are a number of types of wills you can have in Thailand. There is a public will as well as the standard written will. There are also those who want a living will in Thailand and the holographic will. You can see the basics of the Thai will and testament explained here. 

Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax Act

Inheritance Tax Act B.E. 2558 (A.D. 2015)

This Act covers the rules for taxation when it comes to inheritance today. This was created in 2015 and it falls under the tax department in Thailand. The Act is enacted to address the issue of high-value inheritances not being taxed, which has led to unfairness.

Evolving Dynamics: Family Law and Gender Equality in Thailand

Thailand is experiencing changes with the evolving dynamics with regards to family law as well as gender equality. The Thailand Gender Equality Act addresses discriminatory practices. This even while challenges exist. The Criminal Code Amendment Act broadens rape definitions because of this social evolution. Thailand has also experienced other shifts, such as the Personal Name Act of 1941 mandating surname changes post-marriage,. Likewise this also reflects societal norms changing. Likewise the early legislation, such as the Family Registration Act of 1935, laid the foundations for modern family law. Despite the Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act of 2007.

Gender Equality

Thailand Gender Equality Act

The enactment of this Act stems from the absence of effective measures to counteract unjust gender discrimination. See the article on LGBTQ rights in Thailand. Note however that currently that there are issues. We will see more changes as the situation changes with the passing of new laws. 

Marital Rape in Thailand

Criminal Code Amendment Act

The Criminal Code Amendment Act (No.19) B.E. 2550 (2007) represents a significant legal change in Thailand. It broadens the definition of rape to encompass acts committed against individuals of all sexes. Likewise also see our Thai criminal lawyer on here.

Persons Name Act Thailand

Persons Name Act

However, this era of women’s autonomy in selecting their surnames came to an end in 1941 when the government enacted the Personal Name Act 1941. This legislation mandated that women adopt their husband’s surname after marriage, effectively eliminating the option of retaining their maiden name.

family law

Family Registration Act (1935)

Family Registration Act

The Family Registration Act covers the first laws in Thailand with regard to marriage registration as well as family law. You can then understand where the laws originated from. Speak to us online with our Thai family lawyer for more assistance and guidance when you are getting married in the country

Domestic Violence in Thailand

Domestic Violence in Thailand

Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act

Despite the enactment of the new Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act of 2007, it still falls short in providing adequate safeguards for those enduring abuse within their homes. See also the article on assault in Thailand on this website and other laws.

Maiden Surname

Female Title Act of 2008

Female Title Act of 2008

A shift in legislation began with the Constitutional Court ruling on Thai women’s right to retain their maiden surnames. Subsequently, changes were implemented, including the Female Title Act of 2008 and amendments to the Person’s Name Act.


Children Born through Assisted Reproduction (ART)

The full name is the – Providing Protection for Children Born through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). This affects IVF treatments as well as surrogacy in Thailand. You will note that this procedure is now very difficult to do in Thailand as it is now for locals only. See also LGBTQ rights in Thailand.


Thai Consitutional Law

Constitutional Court Overturns Gender Bias

The Constitutional Court Overturns Gender Bias by allowing women to sue the mia noi of their husbands. With many changes in Thailand with the recognition of same-sex marriages in Thailand. This week in June 2024 another taboo has been shattered.


Regulatory Guidelines for Hospitality in Thailand

Those who wish to start a business in Thailand. These are mainly restaurants, bars and other entertainment venues such as nightclubs. The legal process for these business have important statutes. These range from the Thai Public Health Act. This is to ensure sanitary conditions. Likewise the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act regulates the sale and consumption of alcohol.

Additionally the Tobacco Products Control Act governs the advertisement and sale of tobacco. Likewise the Act on the Maintenance of Cleanliness and Orderliness of the Country mandates hygiene and environmental standards. See also the Entertainment Places Act oversees the operation of entertainment venues. Lastly there is also the Signboard Tax Act which governs you outside signs. 

Hotel Laws

Hotel Law  

Civil & Commercial Code

This is a brief view of the laws which governs guests and hotels, inns and other such facilities. The provisions in the Code is mainly concerning your stay at a hotel where property is lost or damaged and the liability. The Thailand Hotels Act covers management and registration of hotels and motels in Thailand. 


Deposit Laws  

Civil & Commercial Code

What are the laws which govern deposits (storage) in Thailand. This will give you are good overview. The law is covered in the Civil and Commercial Code deposits are explained. The Deposit Protection Agency Act in Thailand however should be read to understand the financial laws. This is about storage. 

entertainment license

Entertainment Places Act

BE 2509 (1966)

The statue which covers entertainment venues in Thailand has become important with the advent of Covid 19. Many venues have been closed such as bars, nightclubs and restaurants. The tourism industry has also been shut down.This is the Statue which covers the entertainment industry. See more on here as well. 

Thai signage tax

Signboard Tax in Thailand

Starting a business such as a nightclub, bar, restaurant  or a school will need signage. So you apply under the Thai sign tax to pay a levy on your business signage. The tax is based on your sign’s size as well as content. Likewise, with higher rates for larger advertisements. Lastly note the laws on obscenity as well. 

Restaurant License

Restaurant License Thailand

Starting a restaurant In Thailand can be difficult. When you apply there are steps that need to be followed. These include registering your business as well as a food license from the local district office. There are health and safety regulations which need to be met. Additional permits for serving alcohol or playing music. 


Tobacco Products Control Act

The Tobacco Products Control Act in Thailand regulates the manufacture, sale, and advertising of tobacco products. You will need a tobacco license or cigarette licence to sell these. Likewise see also the cannabis regulations in the country. The law ensures regulated use, quality control as well as restrictions.

Liquor License

Alcoholic Beverage Control Act

The Alcoholic Beverage Control Act is the Liquor License in Thailand. This law regulates the production, sale as well as the advertising of alcoholic beverages. If you open an entertainment venue, restaurant, bar or venue. You will need this liquor license to sell alcohol.

street cleaners

Cleanliness and Orderliness Act

The Act on the Maintenance of the Cleanliness and Orderliness of the Country in Thailand mandates waste, litter prevention, and public space cleanliness. This is normally enforced by the local municipality. The law also enforces cleanliness outside your business.


Public Health Act

The Thailand Public Health Act regulates sanitation in the country. If you open a business such as a bar, nightclub, restaurant or other entertainment venues. The law is there to look after the public safety. It mandates health as well as safety standards, including sanitation.

Food Selling Place Hygiene

Food Selling Place Hygiene

In Thailand, food selling place hygiene is strictly regulated. This is a regulation you will need to comply with. Standards include maintaining clean food preparation areas, ventilation, and personal hygiene for handlers.

Criminal Offenses: A Guide through the Thai Penal Code

This overview of criminal law in Thailand provides you some guidance. This looks at a number of common and specific criminal offenses outlined in the Thai Penal Code or Thai Criminal Code. These criminal acts range from being arrested on assault charges to fraud, child abandonment as well as misappropriation. Note that, each chapter we have defined the crime as well as with examples.  Consulting with a criminal defense lawyer ensures proper legal guidance and representation.

Assault charges in Thailand

Assault Charges 

The Chapter covers assault as well as assault with intent. I have used a number of example from court rulings to compare how the courts have differed between the two. The punishments are also explained to compare. Lastly see read the article on our criminal lawyer and speak to us online.


Child Abandonment 

This is the smallest Chapter in the Thai Penal Code. There are examples to show the difference between child abandonment and kidnapping. See the difference. This is rare but you  should always ensure that you have a good lawyer for this and ensure that you have the proper criminal law advice.


Misappropriation in Thailand 

There are a number of examples that I have used in this Chapter. There is a difference between misappropriation, cheating and theft. There are also examples to settling the matter outside of court. Likewise there is also the criminal sanctions. See criminal defense lawyer in Bangkok on here.  


Receiving Stolen Property 

It is a criminal office in Thailand to receive stolen property. Likewise there is also the difference between you not knowing and intentionally buying stolen goods. Your punishment will differ. See the example used where the person should have known it was stolen as you can’t buy a motorcycle for 5,000 Baht.


Committing Mischief 

This Chapter of the Criminal Code covers mischief. These include intentional encroaching on others peoples property. Many Sections also cover damage to agricultural implements as well as agricultural animals. Further examples such as spreading insecticide next to a pond that ducks frequent. 


Trespass in Thailand 

If you want to understand the law with regards to trespassing in Thailand then Chapter 8 of the Thai Criminal Code will give you good insight into how it is defined and what the sanctions are for breaking the law. Always seek the assistance of a criminal lawyer in Thailand

Murder Charges in Thailand


If you want to understand the law with regards to murder in Thailand then Chapter 1 of the Thai Criminal Code will give you good insight into how it is defined and what the sanctions are for breaking the law. Also see the criminal assault charge as well. 



Blackmail and extortion is not unknown in Thailand. Understand what the criminal laws in Thailand says about this and what the law says about this crime. Speak to us if you are not sure. We will assist you now. So call us 24 hours of the day.


Fraud in Thailand 

The definition of fraud is wide. It ranges from embezzlement, deception as well as falsehoods. There are also a number of example from Supreme Case rulings. These range from concealment, forged documents as well as witchcraft. Speak to us as a criminal law firm in Thailand.

The information contained in our website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advices. For further information, please contact us.