Marriage Registration in Thailand for Foreigners

This is about the Marriage Registration for foreigners. There has been confusions and concerns regarding Thai marriages as the others misunderstood the ceremony. This  as to the actual marriage registration performed at the district office or “Amphur”. For a marriage to be recognized in Thailand and deemed as legal marriage. It must be registered at the district office and signed by the district office, together with the couple and witnesses.

Marriage Registration in Thailand for Foreigners

Religious ceremonies and celebrations are unofficial and undocumented in Thailand and will be done for blessings and based with tradition.

Thailand age of marriage

Thailand has set clear requirements for an individual who wants to get married, as follows:

  • – Must be at least 17 years old;

Firstly, if below 20 years old at the time of marriage, a written consent must be presented from the parents. Also if written in other languages other than Thai, it must be translated for district office use. See the notary service on here as well.

  • – 310-day waiting period divorced or widowed;

If entering marriage less than the required waiting period, a medical certificate confirming not pregnant at the time of marriage should be provided.

  • – Original passport for foreigners with valid entry visa to Thailand;
  • – Embassy-issued documents: Affirmation of Freedom to Marry and passport certification;

Authenticated documents from embassy, without embassy stamp will not be accepted.

  • – Thai translated documents

Authenticated affirmation of Freedom to Marry and passport certification should be translated.

  • – Legalized Thai translated documents

All translation of documents from the embassies should be legalized at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

There are various steps which will differ from embassies depending on which country you are from. Whether having an Embassy or Consulate here or without, there will be guidelines on how to proceed. It is required for foreigners to contact their embassies prior coming to make sure that you have all necessary documents needed once you are in Thailand.


marriage registration in Thailand


See also:  There is living in Thailand, marriage in Thailand, foreigners marrying foreigners as well as  marriage registration  process as well as Thai marriage law.

Finally, please be mindful that in order for a Thailand marriage registration, both parties must be present. And cannot do it any other way.


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