Lets look at the Change of Visa Type TM86. Sometimes in Thailand we have to change a visa inside Thailand. This normally occur when the Thai Embassy will not issue you will a Thai retirement visa or a marriage visa Thailand as the documents are incorrect. They would normally issue you with a Thai tourist visa. When you enter Thailand you will have 60 days to change your visa. Note that you need to do this well before the tourist visa expires. Don’t wait for the last minute. Try and complete this at least a month before the visa expires. This is where the Change of Visa Type TM86 form needs to be completed. This is the Thai Tourist to Non-Immigrant Visa. Likewise also see the TM30 on here as you might also need that.
As explained above what the form is. Let us explain this even further. The TM.86 form allows you as a foreigners to change your visa type as explained above. This is to change the visa from a Tourist Visa to a Non-Immigrant Visa while inside Thailand. The TM87 is when this is done outside of Thailand.
So in order to change your visa status you will need to visit Thai immigration and have the needed documents. These documents will depend on what you are changing to. Firstly there is your passport with the current visa in as well as the TM86 form which should be completed. If it is for a marriage visa then you will need to show the 400,000 THB in your Thai account. For a retirement visa there is the 800,000 THB requirement the your Thai bank account. Likewise see the requirements for these visas. The Thai marriage visa requirements as well as the Thai retirement visa requirements. See the article that we already wrote on changing a visa.
The TM.86 form as explained above is to request the change in your visa status. Note that these are not all the same. If you are changing from the tourist visa to a marriage visa, there would be no issues. However if you are changing from a marriage visa to a tourist visa or retirement visa. Some immigration offices want you to bring your Thai wife to immigration to complete the conversion.
The form contains all the information that you would normally fill in in Thailand. These are you personal details. You will then need to write in the reason for the conversion. Likewise provide your address in Thailand. Take proper legal immigration advice when doing the conversion. Lastly note tha 90 day reporting or TM47 online as well as the article that we wrote on how to transfer your visa to a new passport as well.