Expat Divorce in Pattaya

These are the Thai grounds for divorce in Thailand. The most common issued has been added that you will find in an expat divorce in Pattaya. Divorce is a process that causes conflicts if one or the other will not mutually settle and agree to end the marriage. If a divorce is impossible to be done at the district office in Pattaya by both agreeing to it. Likewise, then you would have to do it the other way and file for a divorce in court. Going through the process of a divorce in court, known as the contested divorce, means to be able to provide claims for the divorce. Lastly also see the article that we wrote on mutual consent divorce as well. 

Expat divorce in Pattaya

Thailand tends to be Bangkok with lots to offer the expatriate in Thailand. You can also see more under the article we called  grounds for divorce. There are a number of German expats in Pattaya. 


The following are grounds accepted in filing a divorce in court:

1.       Adultery

– If any spouse provided support or has honored another and been proved with infidelity. This would be a claim for divorce.

2.       Misconduct

– If a spouse is found responsible for any bad behavior that causes the other party as:

  • Seriously ashamed or embarrassed
  • Insulted or hated continuously as a husband of the other who is found wrongdoing
  • Sustained excessive injury or trouble
  • Seriously harmed or tortured

– If one spouse has caused physical or mental damage by hurting the other in the body or emotionally. She has insulted the other, this is also considered as a factor and basis for divorce. See more under Divorce law in Thailand.

4.       Desertion

– If one has abandoned the other for more than a year, a divorce can be filed.

5.       Imprisonment

– If one has been sentenced and imprisoned for more than a year without knowledge. It could also be any participation of the other, or consent from the other that would cause a problem to be a root of divorce.

6.       Separation

– If one or the other has lived their lives separately as being unable to live together peacefully for more than 3 years or by order of the court, this too will be ground to file a divorce.

7.       Disappearance or left the dwelling

– If one has disappeared or has left his home or country of residence for 3 years and not knowing if still alive or deceased, the other may file for a divorce.

8.       Failure in giving proper maintenance and support

– Unable to fully support the spouse in areas of need will be a reference to the divorce filing.

9.       Insanity

– If one party be found and confirmed as mentally ill for more than 3 years that does not guarantee the growth and continuity of marriage, the other may claim for divorce.

10.    Broken bond of good behavior

– For those subjected to good behavior bonds, failure to comply with what has been imposed will be a ground for divorce.

11.   Suffering from a communicable disease

– If one or the other has an incurable disease that is dangerous and would cause harm to the other would be a ground used for divorce.

12.   Physical disadvantage

The grounds for divorce in Thailand as explained above should also be viewed with other issues. This when it comes to divorce in Thailand. Firstly you will need to have a Thailand lawyer as well as be represented by a Thai law firm. This even when it is an unopposed divorce.


See also: The grounds for divorce as well as marital debt and a contested divorce. There is also Thai divorce law.


See the other links from this website which will explain further details about the divorce process in Thailand.

Divorce in Thailand

If you are getting divorced in Thailand, then speak to our divorce lawyers in Thailand. There is an article that we wrote called getting divorced in Thailand. That article is a basic overview of the issues. There is also a small article on expat divorce in Pattaya if that is of interest as to the most common grounds for divorce. Likewise the article on divorce litigation

The information contained in our website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advices. For further information, please contact us.

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