Reasons for Australian Visa Refusal

What are the reasons for an Australian visa refusal? Nothing could be worse than spending time, money, and effort. Applying for a visa application for Australia and getting rejected. Recently, the Australian government has adopted a tighter approach to granting visas. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection evaluates every single application. Screening is made to make sure that the evidence supplied is correct for each respective visa.

Reasons for Australian Visa Refusal

Note that you should always obtain the correct visa. You cannot apply for a tourist visa and use it for employment in Australia or a fiancee visa for Australia or an Australian spouse visa.  Always check why you have had a visa denial for Australia.

Here are the most common aspects for Australian Visa refusal:


Inadequate Information

This is probably one of the major causes behind most visa refusal when applicants fail to provide sufficient information. In addition, proving their claims made in applying for the Australian visa. If the applicant is asked whether he or she has been to Australia before and answers yes, it is important that one must be able to provide proof of that trip and be presented.


False Information

If the Department of Home Affairs discovers that the information included in the application are not true, the applicant may be charged with visa fraud based on providing wrong information. The applicant will either be expelled or prohibited from entering the country.


Lack of Funds

Australia is currently ranked as the fourth most expensive country to live in around the world. In addition, the Department requires applicants to have enough funds for their stay in Australia, with the amount depending on the visa category and subclass being applied for.


No Translations

Many times people forget to have their translations certified. The person doing the certification must sign add their name, address and contact telephone numbers. In addition, most law firms do this with a stamp and a signature. Other times people forget to add the original document and only provide the certified translations. 


Leaving blank spaces

Many leave the space on the forms blank instead of adding n/a or not applicable. You need to ensure that all the questions are answered. In addition, those that are not relevant to you, you will need to add N/A to the spaces that are not applicable to your visa application. 


Most business and retirement visas require applicants to provide their proof of financial assets and investments amounting to a certain value. You should be able to prove that you are financially capable or else your visa application gets refused. See if you also meet the requirements of the Australian fiancee visa.


Family Visas

Unable to meet the Health Requirements (applicable to settlement visa applications only)

Australian visa applicants cannot expect visa approval without meeting the health requirements. The Department of Home Affairs generally requires visa applicants to get tested for HIV/AIDS, TB or Hepatitis prior to being issued a visa. You should also see if you could produce all the vaccination certificates. 


Inappropriate Character Grounds

Applicants who have a history of being involved in crimes may get subjected to visa refusal or cancellation. These can include a criminal record or failing the medical exam because of habitual drug abuse. 


Lack of Proof of Financial Support

Visa applicants need to satisfy the requirement of the Department of Home Affairs by providing relevant documents proving financial stability. Financial support documents can be from the home country or from a person holding a visa for Australia.

In addition, was this a Visa 601 vs 651 issue which is the Australian eVisa denial? Speak to our Bangkok immigration lawyer for assistance.