Do you wish to do a Thai company address change? There are two procedures when you change the address of a Thai company. The first process is if you are changing the company address to another address in the province. The other process is when the company address is being changed to another province in Thailand.
The procedures for each would be different. Always factor this in as the cost and timeline changes for the two procedures in Thailand.
If you are changing the address of the company to another address in the same province. Then this is much cheaper and also much faster. If the address is in the same province then this does not need to be advertised in the newspaper. What is needed are all the documents for a speedy service.
We will provide the address change not only to the Development Business Department of the Thai government. You will also need to notify the Revenue Department so your address can be changed on your VAT registration. Note there may also be issues with your entertainment license or TAT license during the move.
Speak our lawyer in Bangkok today about what else would be needed and a timeline for changing the office address in the same province in Thailand. This will take a few days if all the documents are completed correctly.
Note the difference between the two and the process for each. Call us today in Phuket or Bangkok if you are considering a change of address for your company in Thailand so that we may factor in the time and cost for you. It is best to prepare all the paperwork before starting the process and ensuring a smooth change over to your new location. You can also walk into our offices in Bangkok or Phuket for a confidential discussion about your address change, company director change, or other issues you might have in Thailand with corporate law.
When you change addresses outside of the province the change needs to be advertised in Thailand. This costs more and takes about 3 weeks to complete with all the paperwork in order. The documents listed above need to be provided in addition to the following:
– Letter to shareholders for a meeting to notify them of the address change;
– Advert in the local newspaper to advertise the change of address;
The additional time and costs are because the notice to shareholders will take about 2 weeks to complete and the additional cost is for the adverts in the local Thai newspaper as well as all the postage for the notice to shareholders. It is best to factor at least a month into the change of address for an out of province address change. See also the Treaty of Amity while in Thailand if you are an American company. There is also the change of directors and shareholder meetings explained on this webiste.
The information contained on our website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.