Pico Finance

See the Pico license for microfinance in Thailand. Likewise the process. The period 2016 to 2021 there were 9,596 loan sharks. Pico Finance is new to Thailand however it was mainly because Thailand had issues with loan sharks. For the period 2016 to 2021 Thailand had a total of 9,596 loan sharks in the country. Pico finance was a way for the government to ensure that people in the lower economic sector also had loan facilities available to them. There are rules and regulations for setting up this in Thailand. For starting a PICO finance business does come with its risks.

Pico Finance

We can assist with your Pico loan License in Thailand
Pico Finance in Thailand

We can look at the risk to business by looking at the statistics from 2021. At that point in time there was a total of THB 4.23 billion in outstanding loans. At the same time there was also a total of  THB 748.27 million were non-performing loans. This is around 17% of all loans. This you will have to take into account if you are considering the financial sector of Thailand. Note also that according to the FPO in 2021 only 15% of loans are loans that are considered short-terms loans. Those are loans with a lending period of less that 3 months. 

Likewise see also the difference between Pico and Pico Plus. There are two types of pico finance operators. The first is the Pico lender who has a minimum capital of THB 5 million and they are allowed to lend up to THB 50,000 per borrower. Likewise there is the second type being Pico Plus operators. They need a minimum capital of THB 10 million and they can also lend up to THB 100,000 per borrower.

This regulatory framework from the Thai government ensures that operators maintain sufficient capital to manage lending risks. This while restricting the loan amounts to individual borrowers. These measures aim to extend credit to underserved populations, promoting financial inclusion and addressing short-term credit needs 

Pico Finance for Limited Company

Pico Microfinance with Limited Company

Pico Microfinance for Limited Company shows you how to register a limited company to start a microfinance business. Understand the process for registration. 

Pico Microfinance with Limited Partnership

See how the Pico Microfinance for Limited Partnership process. Look at the process to do this as a limited partnership. The registration for Pico finance is explained with Pico Plus.

Pico Tax

Taxation in PICO Finance

This is a breakdown of the taxation when it comes to Pico finance. Note also this type of business in Thailand does come with risk. Speak to us online for assistance.

pico license

What is a Pico License

What is a Pico license. See what the Pico licence is about and how this came about. See the reasoning behind the micro-lending finance industry in Thailand.


Interest Rate Changes

Who can borrow from Pico lenders. See who can borrow money from them as well as what the maximum rates and loans can be. See the interest rates they can change. 


Daily Operations

This is an overview of Pico and what it entails. There have been a number of articles written on the topic so here is an overview of micro lending in Thailand and how to become a microlender.

Microfinance debt collecting

Micro Finance Debt Collecting

This is an overview of debt collecting on Pico loans. The government released this to highlight what cand how you must deal with debt collecting with micro loans.